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Builds For You

All Pre-Builds come with Etching and Hydro Dipping at no cost

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At PCPlanet, we understand that building a custom PC can be a daunting task. That's why we make it our mission to help our customers find the perfect combination of components for their custom PC builds. Whether you're a novice looking for some advice or an experienced builder, our team of experts are here to answer any questions you may have. We're passionate about helping our customers build a PC that meets their needs and budget. Feel free to fill out the form and let us help you get the perfect PC.

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Cases to Design

PCPlanet is the ultimate source for custom PC cases. Whether you are looking for a unique style or something to match your current gaming setup, we have you covered. Our cases can be designed through means of Hydro Dipping, Glass Etching or Both. With any of our cases please email with your colors wanted and or design scheme's.


Prices to change depending on customization

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Already have a build? No problem. You can send in your glass to our facility and we can etch whatever it is you're wanting onto it. Don't worry about the packaging because we'll send over a box specifically fit to secure and rest your glass panel in.

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